Erlebnis Bergwerk Merkers

GLÜCK AUF for your conference guests 800 m underground

The team experience Bergwerk Merkers will give your event that special magic underground. Sheer endless salt veins offer adventurers that special wow factor and in the large hall your conference guests will experience an extraordinary ambience that turns every event into a unique experience. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world underground. The exclusive experience tour takes you to spectacular places. Fancy something really unusual? You can find it here: A mountain bike tour 800 meters underground!

Our recommendations

Adventure tour: Fascination inside the earth

Our miners will take your conference guests on an exciting and unforgettable journey up to 800 meters underground. Fascinating insights into what was once the largest potash mine in the world await you. Experience the unique atmosphere underground with huge crystals, breathtaking halls and the mysterious history of the legendary gold treasure of the Reichsbank. Here you can still get hands-on with technology, including a blasting simulation and a spectacular laser show. The highlight and lowest point of your journey into the world of white gold is the unique crystal grotto with huge salt crystals. And here a champagne reception. This experience has a lasting effect!

Pure adrenaline: Mountain biking through the mine

What an extraordinary experience! At a depth of 500 to 800 meters, you can explore the impressive underground world together on a bike. On a guided mountain bike tour, you will discover the world of white gold in a completely different, active and exciting way. The adventure begins with a cable ride underground, which will fascinate your guests. An ingenious combination of exercise, stories and discoveries. Back above ground, the reward awaits in the form of a hearty miner's breakfast "Glück Auf to go".

Unique backdrop for your event

You will find the perfect location for your event in this special place. Offer your conference guests unforgettable experiences in the former large bunker, now the largest and deepest concert hall, or in the historic tunnel 500 meters underground. Anything is possible. We look forward to your inquiry.

Note: Children aged 10 and over and pre-registration required.

Cover picture: ©Joris Lugtigheid, Thüringer Tourismus GmbH


Erlebnis Bergwerk Merkers

Zufahrtstraße 1 OT Merkers 36460 Krayenberggemeinde Silke Behrens Telefon: +49 36969 42 4103 E-Mail: